Sunday, November 29, 2009

3 Pain reliebers that wont damage your liver

For sore muscles, use Ginger. An enzyme in ginger called zingibain aids int the break down of excess fibrinogen, a by-product of muscle metabolism that contributes to soreness.Use 500 mg of ginger three times daily until soreness subsides.

For a headache use White willow bark.
Natural extract is able to stop a headache in its tracks by inhibiting the formation of pain-triggering cyclooxygenase enzymes. One reason is white willow bark contains salicin, a natural analgesic used to make aspirin. Unlike aspirin, white willow bark conatains anti-inflammatory polyphenols, making it effective at 1/15 the average aspirin dose an amount thats entirely safe for the liver and stomach.For headache relief that starts within 20 minutes take 400 to 800 mg up to 1,600mg total per day.. of a product containing 15 percent salicin.

For stiff achy joints take turmeric
This aromatic spice makes an ideal antidote for joints that stiffen and ache due to cold weather.The credit goes to curcumin the plant compound that gives turmeric its vivid yellow hue. Curcumin inhibits the bodys production of prostaglandin E2 an inflammatory chemical that triggers stiffness and pain. use 1tsp of turmeric per day by adding to savory dishes such as soup, stew or yogurt dip. Or take 500 mg of a curcumin supplement.

Uses for Epsom Salts

If you have muscle tension Just fill your bathtub with warm water and 2 cups of Epsom salt. Soak for 20 minutes then rinse. Your body will absorb the salts magnesium and reduces inflammation to relax your muscles and nerves.

To get rid of unwanted grunge on your shower tiles, just mix an equal amount of liquid dish detergent then dab on the grimy area and scour. The salt granules add the extra scrubbing power to the detergent to dislodge the soap scum.

Rejuvenate winter worn skin, While showering, massage handfuls of the salts into wet skin, on elbows and knees, Let sit for 5 minutes, then rinse. THe exfoliating minerals scrub away died skin cells and deep clean pores.

Take out a splinter by adding enough water to 1/8 cup of Epsom salts to form a paste. Then apply the mixture for 10 minutes. The magnesium sulfate in the salve will gently pull the splinter to the surface so you can pluck it out painlessly.

Add body to your hair by using a palm size amount of hair conditioner into a glass bowl and microwave for 15 seconds. Once its warm to the touch and 1 tsp of epsom salts and stir. Apply the mixture to wet hair after shampooing and leave on for 1 to 2 minutes The abrasive granules will gently slough off excess oils that can weigh tresses down. You will then have bouncy hair..

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Candles can be used to

Help a desk drawer glide easier by rubbing the side of a candle against the runner of the drawer.

Use the candle as a pincushion getting a little bit of wax on the ends of your needles helps them slide through fabrics with ease.

You can mend shoelaces when the plastic ends break off just dip the frayed ends into the melted candles and it will create a plastic like seal.

Store a scented votive sized candle in your car cup holder it zaps foul orders instantly.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Stain busters

Coffee or Tea Stain
Saturate the area with a solution of one part white vinegar and one part cold water. Let it sit for 30 minutes rinse with cold water. The acetic acid in vinegar dissolves stain causing tannins

Chocolate stain
Use a blunt butter knife scrape off residue. Apply 1 tbs of hydrogen peroxide to the blemish, then scrub it with a wet toothbrush. Flush the area with cold water.

Milk based stain
Rinse the area with cold water, cover the spot with unseasoned meat tenderizer let sit 30 minutes. Rinse with cold water. THe protein digesting enzymes break down milk particles.

Lipstick Stain
Wipe the mark with a bar of wet white soap, rubbing it into the fabric.
Let stand for 30 minutes and rinse with cold water.

Tomato sauce stain
Scrape off the residue with a spoon. Rinse with cold water, then sponge on 1/4 cup of lemon juice. Let sit for 10 minutes rinse again.

Red wine stain
Dip a clean white cloth in white wine and dab at the spill. Rinse the area and repeat until the mak fades away. The acid in white wine neutralizes the red wine.

Cola Stain
Flush with cold water after you use a paper towel to sop up the spill. Combine 1 tbs of ammonia and 1 cup of water, dip a cloth in the solution and dab at the stain.

Pet advice

Reduce pet dander, If you have pet allergy symptoms just mix 1tsp of olive oil into your animals food daily. The fatty acids in the oil help romote healthy skin and lessen flaking from dryness.

If your dog goes ballistic at the sight of food barking until you put his dish on the ground, push the dish to the back of the counter, then sit and read for 15 minutes. This will show your canine that his actions wont be rewarded. Once he is calm place the bowl in front of him..

If your kitty is making a mess on your floor by taking a mouthful of food from her bowl and dropping on the floor then dry this.. Server her meals in a saucer. Deep bowls crowd a cats whiskers the site of sensitive nerve endings causing her to pick up and transfer her food out of the dish. But a shallow dish gives her room to nibble in comfort.

If you want your dogs bowl spills out in the yard try this remedy, Take a rust-free angel food cake pan and hammer a stake through the center hole then fill the pan with water. The stake holds it in place.

If your cat hasnt kept her business inside the litter box then deposit litter so its deep at one end and shallow at the other end.

Chocolate is a no no for pets
The theobromine in chocolate can increase heart rate overstimulate the central nervous system and even cause death in canines. If your dog ingests the toxin induce vomiting with 1tbs of hydrogen peroxide a 3 percent solution for every 10 pounds he weighs. tilt his head back and using a turkey baster squirt the dose toward the back of his tongue. If he doesnt vomit within 5 minutes wait 10 minutes and try again. If this doesnt work go to the Veterinary hospital immediately.

Prevent Cervical Cancer

Revving your Defenses by eating coleslaw, cabbage and its vegetable cousins was shown to cause cerical cancer infected cells to self destruct. DIM is the compound your body makes after consuming cabbage. DIM also delivers a boost to your immune system. For most protection eadt cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and the raw or lightly steamed, rather than over cooked or in soups. also season your slaw with cumin a spice that packs a nutty peppery bite it is a proven detoxifier.

Chronic Stress can take a toll on your health, it makes it harder to fight HPV virus. So make sure to set aside 10 minutes a day to read it lowers your stress level by 68 percent.

Make sure to take vitamin B Being deficient in this vitamin makes the cervical membrane vulnerable allowing the HPV Viruse to enter cells easily.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Making your kitchen self cleaning

For spotless dishes - skip the pre-rinse. chemicals in dish washing detergent work their magic by interacting with enzymes in tiny food particles. and boost the scrubbing affect. Have spots and streaks on your glasses, hard water, rust and iron deposits can clog the water jets. east fix, pour a packet of powdered lemonade mix into the detergent cup and run the dishwasher while its empty. the citric acid cuts through the deposits and makes them disappear.

To get rid of cloudy film on your glass ware use 1cup of vinegar to your rinse compartment and run through the full cycle.

For cleaner cookware. Use cola for burned on food. Pour enough cola into the dirty pot to cover the bottom bring it to a boil and let simmer for a few mintues. When the pot cools off put it under running water to rinse the gunk away.

Shine copper with ketchup..Squeeze some ketchup onto a cloth and rub it onto the surface, then rinse.Acids in the tomatoes and vinegar bond with the molecules causing the tarnis, which then wash away in water. No ketchup use Worcestershire..

Clean coffee pots with denture tablets Fill the container with warm water and drop in two denture-cleaning tablets.

Clean your blender with ice. To get the messy foods off the blades and hard to reach parts fill the blender halfway with soapy water and a handful of ice. Then turn it on and let it run on high.